Monday, August 31, 2020

Belgium: Martelange - Monument national des Chasseurs Ardennais

Shortly after arriving at our destination in Belgium (2019-03-26) we realized that we needed to fill up with gas. Google Maps recommended the town of Martelange; close enough to the location of our AirBnb and apparently with plenty of gas stations. After fueling up, eating in a restaurant, and buying a few groceries, we drove around a bit. We came upon this impressive monument - Monument national des Chasseurs Ardennais. We didn't realize it at the time but, in this region, we were in the middle of territory that had seen incredible WWII battles.

Monument national des Chasseurs Ardennais (2019-03-26) 

Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Netherlands: Amsterdam - Iconic view in March

The previous day, we arrived at AMS from YVR, completely exhausted . So, this day (2019-03-18) we decided to just acquaint ourselves with Amsterdam. HSR and I had been here several times before but, for the others this was totally new. 

Amsterdam (2019-03-18)